International Women's Day

  • Event
  • Sunday, March 08, 2020

Our worthy P.E.O. mission of supporting women’s education, along with our broader goals of seeking peace and justice, make International Women’s Day an ideal date to celebrate P.E.O. and the International Peace Scholarship.

Since and before 2014, P.E.O.s in Washington have been conscientiously beginning to add the recognition of International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th to their Chapters’ yearbooks.

Now is a good time to consider a way to celebrate. Perhaps have a Purple Party?  (Internationally, purple is the color symbolizing women.)

  • Plan or join an IWD Celebration in your community, reciprocity, chapter, or on a college campus.

  • Wear purple that day.

  • In early March invite an IPS recipient or an international woman from your community to give a chapter program about her native culture and/or her background story.

  • Read vignettes from Moments for Peace, found on the P.E.O. website:

  • Encourage prospective members, inactive members, and unaffiliates to celebrate with you.

P.E.O. International IPS Board of Trustees encourages Chapters and Reciprocities in the United States and Canada join the worldwide observance of International Women’s Day, always March 8th.